The time is always now. Look back to go forward.
It is hard to get to a destination when you do not know where you are headed or how to get there.
Not having a plan or a roadmap to guide what you are trying to accomplish may hold you up, prevent clarity, and result in hitting dead ends with your goals compared to having a plan or a roadmap. A plan permits for twists and turns that may cause us to a take a little bit longer to get to the destination but may also result in a more meaningful and sustainable end result or destination. Small wins lead to bigger gains that further inspire you to greater aspiration and possibilities no matter what aspect of life you are working on. Perhaps this sentiment sounds a little outdated with all the technology we have automating everything for us so really there is no need for an actual map anymore right??
What if less is more?
The biggest win of my year at this point is scaling back on everything. Literally embracing a less is more mindset. No more social media, less stuff of any kind, simplifying routines personal and professional and so on. The end result has been significantly more presence, accomplishment and satisfaction physically, emotionally, professionally & personally. So, what did you accomplish so far this year? Have you made plans for 2023? Have you been too busy to even make time to think about it? If not I invite you to do so!
Celebrate all the wins!
This week I celebrated a group of women who chose a year long nutrition journey honing a peaceful, healthy, personalized nutrition routine over the course of 11 months, they learned and implemented four different distinct types of eating styles on a journey to tease out what would serve their life. Imagine the clarity and accomplishment if you invested 11 months in some form of health or personal improvement that you are seeking. Something too consider to start now or in 2023.
What is next for you?
What areas of your life, your health (they all intersect) would you benefit from putting some consistent attention to?? Take 30-60 minutes of quiet time to consider this question. Take a walk and think. Sit, think, make some notes. I invite you to then get in touch with us to see how I can help you help yourself.