The time is always now. Look back to go forward.

It is hard to get to a destination when you do not know where you are headed or how to get there. Not having a plan or a roadmap to guide what you are trying to accomplish may hold you up, prevent clarity, and result in hitting dead ends with your goals compared to having […]

What is Holiday Healthy To You?

Can you believe that we’re talking about the holidays & the new year already?! I mean, I can. Honestly, I’m psyched. I have been waiting to watch Polar Express and Elf! The best time of year! Today’s motivation is all about helping you find what healthy during the holidays looks like for you! Maybe you’re […]

Fall Client Transformation - 1 Month In

In her own words: Marietta reflecting on her first month of refocusing her energy & goals. After week one of getting restarted on my workouts and goals I was down and out with bronchitis and pneumonia. I thankfully caught the possible severity of it early enough to get on the right medication and got better […]

I Want vs I WILL: Coach Meg's Story.....

My health and fitness journey exploded my freshman year of college. I retained the information and education in high school, but dove much deeper and developed a passion for my overall wellness in college. "A new year, a new me" kind of vibe- a fresh start as a “nobody” in college. A clean plate with […]

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