On Tuesday February 6th, we will kick off our annual new year’s program. This year will not focus on just fitness or just nutrition but also include countless other topics that support our entire bodies wellbeing. This program will allow you to put together your 2024 blueprint for health and fitness, help you explore and […]
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lost infinite hope. “- Martin Luther King Jr. As a hopeless optimist, learner, meaning maker and believer that absolutely everything happens for a reason, I absolutely love this time of year. I enjoy the freshness that the holidays bring from our usual week to week operating. I […]
Monday’s after a long holiday weekend can be difficult. What is your strategy to be energized and driven today, finish the month strong and be prepared for a fresh and final month later this week?! Three good options in my book include: Show no mercy, just get up and get to it. If you do […]
There are days and moments that I am so full of gratitude that I literally just stop and take it in before moving to the next thing. 🙏 Happy Thanksgiving Week. 🦃 If nothing else, try to slow your pace this week. This year has provided ample opportunities to pause and count my blessings and […]
Over coffee with a friend who I had not seen in five years, we laughed at how, when we were younger, we thought there was no way our elders could possibly be wiser than us. However, now, we both agreed if there was any wisdom we could impart upon today’s youth and wish that they […]
Psychologically we can condition ourselves to work hard and be energetic, in theory. Authentically it is a process of knowing our priorities and how are daily behaviors level up to match our priorities or not Here are a few other well-documented ways to thrive energetically. ☀️Vitamin D – Supplementation is critical for New Englanders. Do you […]
On Friday May 20th we will be hosting our first full fledged seasonal women’s wellness retreat after hosting various smaller retreats virtually and in person since 2020. We will be gathering at the Killington Grand Hotel & Resort from 8am -4:30pm for a day full of learning, applying strategies, listening to experts and hearing stories […]