5 Reasons to start exercising today!

Posted on: April 19, 2019
By: Christie Garofano

Everyone knows they should exercise and most likely why but often times we hear, "I don't have time," "I have done it all before and know I should start again but...," "I don't know how," "I can't or won't do it on my own but I don't want to pay for a gym or a trainer." Those may seem like legitimate reasons not to exercise but what really is being said is "I don't care enough about my own well-being that I will not make time to exercise," "I will look foolish exercising around other people because I am self-conscious about my lack of knowledge on what to do," "I am ashamed that I let myself go from my previous experiences and results from working out and am afraid of failing," and "I should be able to exercise successfully on my own so why would I pay to be a member of a gym or to work with a trainer?" Again, all of those are legitimate reasons and concerns that keep people from starting and sticking with a workout routine. Here are our top 5 reasons why YOU should start exercising TODAY & not stop until you have reached your goal(s).

1. Exercise is Medicine: The benefits are ENDLESS. From managing pain in your low back, to knees, and shoulders, a solid exercise program will decrease and eliminate pain that non-exercisers typically have from lack of activity & a weak body as a result of lack of movement. From daily walks to some simple strength training exercises you will not only reduce pain but you will improve your chance of keeping other risk factors at bay like managing blood sugar levels that will prevent diabetes, reducing stress and managing blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, increasing strength to prevent falling related injuries, maintaining optimal posture, mobility & balance!

2. Exercise increases confidence whether feeling better about yourself when you look in the mirror or put on your favorite dress or pair of jeans, or opening a jar of pickles! Making it through your first fitness class, personal training session, or your favorite workout will make you feel like super woman/man! There is a great "high" that comes from exercise that makes you feel like you can make it through anything life or your day hands you. It is hard to put a price tag on that feeling!

3. Aligning exercise with good nutrition habits and life balance can increase your level of happiness significantly. Who doesn't want to feel like they have it all together when it comes to life, work, and family? Taking that time for yourself will actually help you take better care of those in your life that you care for whether it is at work or in your personal life.

4. Taking time out for exercise will actually make you more productive. Imagine that, making time for exercise and reducing that time you grind away at the rest of your life will actually make that grind more efficient and effective not to mention put you in a better mood. Just 15-20 minutes of exercise can help you re-set and refocus your day for amazing results not matter whether you work full time, are a stay at home mom or retired!

5. Exercise will keep you sharp in mind & body no matter what your age. Everyone wants to age gracefully right? Well a regular workout routine will boost your energy, brain health, and keep you lean and mean as you age which means you will have tons of energy to enjoy each and every day of your life and be resilient enough to handle the challenging times! Doesn't that sound like fun?!

Now, isn't it time to get up and outside for a walk? Walking is a great place to start! You are only one workout away from a better day and better mind and body so up and at'em! And if you need extra support adding more exercise to your life but not sure how to proceed we would love to help you!

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