What Are the Benefits of Daily Exercise?

For many people, physical activity isn’t something that comes as a part of a normal daily routine. Especially if you work a job that requires sitting at a desk for significant portions of the day, you may have trouble getting the exercise that you need to stay healthy. Therefore, you might consider adding a daily […]

One year later...reflections on business, life, fitness & wellbeing

This week last year at Body Essentials (BE), we wondered what would become of working out in person! We spaced people out on bikes in Spinning class, altered our training sessions and other classes for more space and less equipment and fully disinfected each piece of equipment before putting away after every single workout each […]

What Is Semi-Private Training?

Do you tend to stay motivated when you have peers encouraging your progress and offering a little friendly competition? If so, you may be a great fit for semi-private training! Body Essentials provides semi-private group training in a virtual setting to create an affordable training option that can be adapted to any schedule. This is […]

Self-Care & Skin Care to Refresh for Spring

Self-Care defined is the "active practice of protecting one's own well-being & happiness in general and during times of stress." In our most recent healthy living workshop we discussed the topic of self-care and also skin care as we creep away from winter and plan for spring. Here are some thoughts on both topics..... Categories […]

NEW Adult Training Program ALERT!

Starting Monday March 8th, we will be launching our newest live online group training option, Adult Fitness Training. This program is perfect for adults who have not recently or ever engaged in a structured exercise program led by a certified fitness and health coach. Sessions will occur on a rolling basis on Monday & Thursday […]

Walking vs. Running: Which Is Better Exercise?

Walking and running are popular exercises for good reasons. They don’t require any equipment beyond a pair of shoes and your feet. You can do both activities virtually anywhere, and they both have long track records of success when it comes to fitness. A persistent question about these exercises remains: Is it better to walk […]

Best Exercises for Women to Lose Belly Fat at Home

Losing belly fat is a great way to improve your overall health. Belly fat is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and a long list of other health complications. However, for women in particular, belly fat can also be the hardest type of fat to lose. Fortunately, there are many […]

Three Reasons to Hire a Weight Loss Trainer

Move more and eat less—that’s the key to weight loss, right? Unfortunately, most people end up struggling to lose weight and keep it off with this advice alone. In reality, losing weight to get healthy isn’t so simple. That’s where a weight loss trainer comes into the picture. If you’re on the fence about hiring […]

What Is Virtual Personal Training?

The pandemic has increased interest in working out from home, but how can you ensure you’re getting the same quality workout if you’re not working with a trainer in person at the gym? The answer is virtual personal training. Virtual personal training lets you reap the benefits of having a fitness trainer without leaving your […]

BE Fit 2021....Quick Tips from Our Fitness Fest.....

In order for our clients to be fully prepared for a complete year of amazing fitness and health, I hosted our first Fitness Fest in place of our usual line up of classes on Saturday January 2nd. For four hours we focused on all the important details of starting and maintaining a fitness routine that […]

The Power of YOU in 2021

Here we are three weeks from the end of 2020. We are all feeling different emotions of what this year was or was not but one thing we have to agree on if you are reading this is that YOU are going to survive! 2020 was not for the faint of heart and on January […]

BE Online....

On March 22, 2020, Body Essentials started training clients and holding all group fitness classes live online using the Zoom platform. We are still going strong after energetically springing into action and evolving each month to provide the best programming experience possible for our clients so they stay safe, accountable, motivated, connected and perhaps most […]

What is Holiday Healthy To You?

Can you believe that we’re talking about the holidays & the new year already?! I mean, I can. Honestly, I’m psyched. I have been waiting to watch Polar Express and Elf! The best time of year! Today’s motivation is all about helping you find what healthy during the holidays looks like for you! Maybe you’re […]

For the Love of Food & Health

I love food! And really who doesn't? What I do not like about food is grocery shopping and wedding thru food items that manufacturers are trying to sell as healthy when I do actually partake in a grocery shopping trip. I enjoy preparing food at home when I have ample time to do it in […]

Fall Client Transformation - 1 Month In

In her own words: Marietta reflecting on her first month of refocusing her energy & goals. After week one of getting restarted on my workouts and goals I was down and out with bronchitis and pneumonia. I thankfully caught the possible severity of it early enough to get on the right medication and got better […]
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