Why we should stop making food an after thought in our healthy living plan.........

More fodder on food in the spirit of National Nutrition Month..... Not a week goes by, nope, not a DAY goes by that I do not hear I do not have time to eat, much less right...... There are two reasons I cringe when I hear that AND when I think it for myself. One […]

Getting to the heart of the matter

In the spirit of it being the week of Valentines Day (enter eye roll) but also Heart Health Month lets traverse all things love, resilience, and working out! On Love: I LOVE it when obvious things that I know and have lived come, go, and then re-enter my life like a it is an entirely […]

Leave the phone behind: Gym Etiquette

I was taking a spinning class at an area gym this past weekend. All of a sudden I saw a flash of light go off in mid-pedal and wondered what it was thinking strangely that someone was taking a photo. It turned out to be inches away from me. The rider next to me had […]

80% of New Year’s Resolutions Fail – How to ensure yours doesn’t

There is nothing more symbolic of fresh starts than January 1st, which could be why Inc. Magazine reports 60% of Americans make a New Year’s resolution. What are we resolving to do (for real this time)? Not surprisingly, the majority want to diet or eat healthier (71%), exercise more (65%), and lose weight (54%). But, […]

Do as I say, not as I do

Sometimes it takes wise counsel to point out that you need to practice something that is usually so obvious to you, something you constantly preach to others, and believe that you do fairly well until you are told otherwise. This is precisely what occurred to me right at the start of this month and year. […]
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